IFPN Presidents Message March 2020
Dear Colleagues,
I write in the clear knowledge that there are many of you who will perhaps not have time to read this message, as you each, in your own way engage in fighting this new global illness which has invaded our lives. WHO 2020 Year of the Nurse and Midwife was never intended to focus quite so dramatically on our profession; but, as we see COVID-19 pandemic stretching our healthcare systems, the response from nurses globally is exactly as expected from the followers of Florence Nightingale.
Many of us are engaged in attempting to support the expansion of our healthcare workforce to bolster up the systems that most need it, within each respective geographical area of the planet. Our role right now, is to be part of that solution in terms of managing the current crisis. In the future, our role will extend to engaging with WHO, ICN and other Global Organisations, taking responsibility to provide our expertise and support to learn lessons, and to keep this from happening again.
If ever we needed to recognise our connectedness; there would be little argument in light of this pandemic to deny our close relationships and humanity, despite the geography as it presents. I often say, that we each have far more similarities than differences. Perhaps, one of the positive outcomes of this pandemic will be a realisation of this, in terms of our own humanity and our role as global nurses, and healthcare workers.
The IFPN WhatsApp group has been very active with many of you having engaged via that medium. For those who have not so far engaged, you may not be aware, that there is a plethora of COVID-19 research and evidence posted within this group, which is relevant to the work that you are all endeavoring to undertake at this time. I invite you to connect if you have questions or you feel there is any way that you can be supported.
I understand that we don’t have all the answers, indeed this situation is so new that we are all learning on the go, but the shared experience and strength of the group may help to support you at this difficult time.
Please contact me directly if you would like an individual conversation. My number is UK 0044-7778501738 or directly via WhatsApp group. I am very happy to be available to talk to any of you who might benefit from a conversation.
Thank you all for being the Heroes of the 2020 International Year of the Nurse and Midwife.
With Kindest Regards,
Mona Guckian Fisher
President-IFPN (2018-2021)
International Federation of Perioperative Nurses (IFPN) www.ifpn.org.uk
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