Nightingale Challenge
Dear Presidents,
You will recall that we discussed this at our last Board meeting in August and I am pleased to provide further detail.
The 3 Executive members of IFPN-Mona Guckian Fisher, Patrick Voight, and Sarah Bird will lead on the role of mentoring for the purpose of this challenge. It is very likely, depending on interest, that other international perioperative leaders will also, be included to support the promotion of leadership amongst aspiring nurse leaders that belong to the Federation of IFPN.
From your country membership, please identify one individual nurse who would benefit from 1:1 engagement, support and mentoring with either Mona, Sarah or Patrick. Each Country Association should decide the process on how this can be achieved, and, it is advised that this should not be an onerous undertaking.
The final selected nominees will be provided a named mentor, and identified time will be agreed and allocated. Mentor and Mentoree will agree their individual plan and suitable meeting times. The Mentoree will enable the Mentor to understand how that can best assist each individual, in promoting and enhance their knowledge, leadership, and engagement with international colleagues.
The overriding focus will remain true to the principle of perioperative practice, and mentorship and support will include, discussions on standards of practice, infection prevention and control, team working, leadership, autonomy and professionalism, together with current International agendas, and how best to support them.
The Sessions are planned for 60 minutes, every 4-6 weeks; and details will be agreed collaboratively to suit the individuals involved. It is important to note, that appropriate IT and telephone connection, is imperative to facilitate these sessions.
To commence the process, 3 Mentors are identified:
- Mona Guckian Fisher-UK
- Patrick Voight-USA
- Sarah Bird-Australia
This invitation is open to all members of IFPN; and, Federation Presidents are asked to set a process in place to nominate 1 to 3 representatives from their region. The nomination will need to be presented to IFPN Secretary Sarah Bird, by Friday 24 January 2020; where IFPN Executive, will make the final selection. In the event that selection results in a tie between candidates, the President, Mona Guckian Fisher will have the final casting vote.
All those candidates, who have successfully reached this final selection process, will have their details retained, for future consideration, when the process is further rolled out, and where other Mentors have engaged and volunteered to support the IFPN Florence Nightingale Challenge.
Please note that the Mentors are volunteers in this endeavour, and the costs of their time and communication will be met by them individually. The IFPN Executive team, have agreed this collaboratively; which is why we are starting this programme with just 3 of us. We will undoubtedly have more volunteers who want to share their experience and leadership with members and colleagues.
It is therefore of the utmost importance that whatever is agreed, with Mentor and Mentoree, that this is strictly adhered to, in terms of meeting times and required outputs from both sides, in order that all concerned can benefit.
To clarify, each Federation President is required to identify, by whatever fair means is deemed appropriate for their organisation, a total of 1-3 perioperative professionals, to participate in the IFPN Florence Nightingale Challenge. Each individual for consideration, should be in a leadership position or aspiring to a leadership position within perioperative practice.
We would like to receive a short (less that 500-word), introduction, from the selected candidates, which identifies what they might hope to discuss, learn and achieve within their Mentor/Mentoree sessions.
The Sessions (60 minutes each), will be held 4-6 weekly, to provide continuity; and will run approximately from February 2020 to July 2020, with the final 60-minute session in September 2020. It is anticipated that sessions will be conducted remotely; however, depending on location it may be possible to arrange face-to-face sessions.
Please send your nominations, together with the candidates 500-word introduction, directly by e mail to Sarah Bird, IFPN Secretary at
I would also ask that you please acknowledge receipt of this letter, as I am very anxious that everyone has a chance to engage with our efforts in respect of the challenge.
Kind Regards,
Mona Guckian Fisher
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