IFPN Presidents Message November 2019
The International Federation of Perioperative Nurses (IFPN) is a global organisation dedicated to actively promoting perioperative nursing. IFPN is the worlds’ largest organisation that represents perioperative nurses and those that work alongside registered perioperative nurses. The purpose of IFPN is to represent and serve as the voice of perioperative nursing worldwide, and to promote quality perioperative patient care internationally. IFPN strives to improve perioperative care for everyone, everywhere.
As we discussed at the Board meeting, in June 2019, Patrick Voight and I attended the International Council of Nurses (ICN) Congress in Singapore, where the world Nursing Associations assembled for 4 days of meetings. IFPN Immediate Past President also attended, so perioperative nursing was well and truly represented.
As you are aware, IFPN is the only international specialty organisation representing the perioperative workforce at a global level. Based on the defined strategies of the World Health Organisation (WHO), and the crucial part that surgery and anaesthesia play in the delivery of safe care; it is imperative that the specialty of perioperative practice is recognised for the unique value that we bring, in terms of exercising global impact. We each have a role to play in this respect, and I encourage you to make some noise within your organisations’ and your countries, to highlight the significant and important role we play within the operating theatre environment.
HO have designated 2020 as the Year of the Nurse and Midwife to coincide with the 200th anniversary of the birth of Florence Nightingale. Throughout 2020, there are a number of initiatives and locations marked in celebration of this, and to raise the profile of nurses across the world.
The theme for 2020, Nurses: A Voice to Lead – Nursing the World to Health, demonstrates how nurses are central to addressing a wide range of health challenges; and it is our job to ensure that the voice of the perioperative community is also recognised and heard in terms of the global strategy.
Into next year and beyond, IFPN will continue to engage with all relevant stakeholders and Governments across the world to encourage perioperative Nurses to celebrate themselves, and raise their individual profiles.
IFPN have signed up to the Nursing Now Campaign, and will run a unique Florence Nightingale challenge. This challenge is basically aimed at Organisations who can identify and support young nurses towards leadership, and already there are almost 14,500 nurses and midwives from 357 employers in 49 countries around the world who have enrolled in leadership development courses as part of the Nightingale challenge. The aim is to reach 20,000 nurses signed up in 2020. In the UK, 55 Organisations have already signed to accept this challenge and take the profession forward over the coming decades.
IFPN have adapted the terms of the Nightingale Challenge, in order to provide our own engagement with the international community, in terms of offering a programme of support and leadership, and you can expect to have the details of this initiative, to share with your communities, within the coming weeks. IFPN is raising the profile of perioperative professionals; in recognition of the tireless care and attention provided to all people, whenever and where ever they need it, and right
cross the world
You will all, hopefully by now have received the minutes of IFPN Board meeting, held in York UK in August. Thank you for your engagement and support in terms of developing and agreeing IFP Strategic Plan for 2019-2021.
Future IFPN Board Meetings:
2020 IFPN Board Meeting: Sydney, 28-31 May
2121 IFPN Board Meeting: Orlando Florida,17-20 AprilPlanned & Attended Perioperative Conferences since Board Meeting.
Turkey 3-6 October 2019: Support by the Turkey Perioperative Nurses Association to participate in a number of workshops throughout the week, and to deliver a session on ‘Key Areas of Perioperative Practice & the Importance of Leadership in their Safe & Effective Delivery’. A number of national and international attendees supported this excellent conference.
Ongoing virtual participation/ engagement with conference calls and webinar/ interactive sessions, delivered by WHO and ICN as notified, and as available to attend. 14 November 2019, ICN international session: 2020 Year of the Nurse and Midwife.
An important key event for next year, will include the publication of the first WHO State of the World’s Nursing report which will provide a snapshot of the nursing workforce globally, the results of which will be launched at the World Health Assembly in May 2020.
Israel 27-30 November 2019: Invited by the Israel Perioperative Nurses Association to participate in leadership meeting, and deliver session on ‘The Role of Professional Organisations in the Formation of Health Politics. Patrick Voight is also attending and delivering a session at this event.
IFPN Executive Business Meetings: conference call every two weeks, with Treasures Patrick Voight and Secretary Sarah Bird.
2020 Planned Events:
- International Conference of Perioperative Nursing India (SPNI) Jodhpur 25-27 February 2020
- India- Regional Conferences-TBC 14 February- March 1
- AORN- 28-31 March 2020
- China-20-24 May-Beijing Conference tbc
- ACORN-Sydney-28-30 May- IFPN Meeting
- September-AfPP Residential York
- Africa 16-25 October-Teaching and support tbc
Other information will be provided as it is made available.
IFPN current Ambassadors will step down following their agreed teneurship, in December 2019. We are grateful to Mary Jo Steiert (USA), Ruth Melville, Immediate Past President (Australia), Kate Woodhead (UK), for the support provided to IFPN Executive, and their global regions.
Additional Work in Progress for IFPN: you will be aware of some of these plans as identified and agreed at the board meeting in August, and detailed in the minutes of this meeting.
- Development of Risk Register-in process
- HSBC Banking Review-providing continued challenge, which has been ongoing for two years and beyond, but which we are determined to resolve.
- Standards:
- Review and update supporting statements and standards on website; slow progress, but this is an onerous task with very small volunteer availability.
The new IFPN website is a better match for our needs, and allows better opportunity to profiles activities. Sarah is striving hard to learn all the different nuances, and keep information updated.
WhatsApp Group:
All Board Presidents are included via this group, which offers us instant connectivity. It has also been possible for me to talk to some Association Presidents all over the world.
IFPN continues to increase its global membership, and supports all enquiries in this respect. There is a ‘Start up Toolkit’ to provide information for new Associations wishing to join; together with a ‘Board Members Orientation Package’ to support new members.
Mona Guckian Fisher
President-IFPN (2018-2021)
I want to take this opportunity, on behalf of the Executive team, to wish you all warm greetings and a Happy Christmas as we approach this season; together with a wonderful New Year; as, we embark on 2020 Year of the Nurse and Midwife. Make lots of noise in relation to this, and take every opportunity to highlight the strengths of our profession, and identify the areas where we might benefit from support. This is likely to be our only chance to get heard, and to reach the ears of those powerful people within our global network, who can enable us to gain the recognition that we deserve, and have earned as Perioperative Nurses.
Thank you all for your valuable contributions and support over the past year; please continue to be engaged in whatever format is most suitable for you, and, remember that I am available to speak with any of you, at any time, should you wish to make that arrangement. I have managed to connect personally with a small number of Presidents, and would dearly love to significantly extend this list in terms of mutual communication.
If there is anything specific that you feel Patrick, Sarah or I can assist you with, please get in touch by email, WhatsApp, or by whatever means is at your disposal; and we will endeavour to support in any way that is possible for us to do so.
Further Reading Information & References: can be sourced below:
International Federation of Perioperative Nurses (IFPN)
International Council of Nurses (ICN)
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