2018 IFPN September News
- Congratulations to our 2018-2019 IFPN Ambassadors Kate Woodhead (Africia) , Ruth Melville (Asia Pacific) and Mary Jo Steiert (South America), who have been appointed as to assist IFPN in supporting Perioperative Nursing across the globe
- Skype meeting of Board and Ambassadors is being planned for late September/Early October so you will be contacted soon
- 2020 IFPN Board meeting will be held in Sydney May 2020, see events site
- ICN have responding to Mona’s IFPN letter of Introduction, WHO and G4 Alliance in draft
- Thank you for editorials for website, some slight issues but we are getting there in getting this streamlined.
- Awaiting response from Brail and China re their membership dues (to be discussed at electronic board meet)
- Website revamp hopefully will commence late 2018 (to be discussed at electronic board meet)
- Thankyou for feedback on introduction pack, completed version will be on website members section soon
- Patrick has nearly completed the constitution now that the financial banking section has been sorted (to be discussed at electronic board meet)
- ICSP letter and response (to be discussed at electronic board meet)
SBird Secretary IFPN
6th September 2018
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