IFPN Board
IFPN Executive

Meryem Yavuz van Giersbergen
TSORNA, Türkiye
President, Jan. 2025- Dec. 2027

Cassandra Raj
PNC, New Zealand
Secretary, Jan. 2025- Dec. 2027

Ruth Collins
AfPP, United Kingdom
Treasurer, Jan. 2025- Dec. 2027
Member Association Representatives

Caroline Johnson
ACORN, Australia
ACORN President

Amparo Rubio San Pedro
AEEQ, Spain
AEEQ President

Ruth Collins
AfPP, United Kingdom
AfPP President

Nakeisha McNeill Tolliver
AORN, United States of America
AORN President

Jaana Perttunen
EORNA, Finland
EORNA President

Ioannis (John) Koutelekos
GORNA, Greece
GORNA President

Ina Shtarkman
IPNA, Israel
IPNA President

Mayumi Ishibashi
JONA, Japan
JONA President

Chae Su Jeong
KAORN, South Korea
KAORN President

Marios Polydorou
KYSYNOX, Republic of Cyprus
ΚYSYNOX Chairman

Tanya Vandale
ORNAC, Canada
ORNAC President

Natasha Mamea
PIORNA, Pacific Islands
PIORNA President

Cassandra Raj
PNC, New Zealand
PNC President

Andrea Alfaya Acunã
SOBECC, Brazil
SOBECC President

Asha P. Shetty
SPN, India
SPN - India President

Filiz Ogce Aktas
TSORNA, Türkiye
TSORNA President